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Complete Comparison] Matcha Green Tea Sweets from Three Convenience Stores! Seven vs Famima vs Lawson

A fierce battleground! Comparing matcha sweets from three convenience stores Hello! I am Ishii, a tea ceremony expert. Matcha sweets have become very popular in recent years. In this article, we have done a thorough comparison of matcha sweets from three major convenience store chains. Seven-Eleven, FamilyMart, and Lawson – each of them has its […]

Let’s invite a business trip tea ceremony to a private residence.

Advantages of Inviting a Business Tea Ceremony to a Private Residence: Providing a Unique Cultural Experience Introduction With the growing popularity of homestay accommodations, tea ceremony services are attracting attention as a way to provide guests with a more in-depth Japanese cultural experience. This article details the benefits of incorporating business tea ceremonies into private […]

Tea Master Talks about the Difference between Matcha and Green Tea

Tea Master Talks about the Difference between Matcha and Green Tea ~A Tale of Two Teas that Walk Alongside the Heart of Japan Introduction How are you all doing in these breezy days? My name is shii, and I am a tea ceremony instructor. One of the questions I hear most often in my practice […]

The Complete Guide to Caffeine Content: The Surprising Truth About Matcha and Its Benefits

Introduction In recent years, caffeine-containing beverages have become an indispensable part of our lives. Energy drinks and matcha, in particular, have very different characteristics in terms of their effects and methods of consumption. Energy drinks are characterized by their immediate stimulant effects, while matcha tea provides a mild and lasting effect. Comparing caffeine content, a […]

What is Matcha?A thorough explanation of its history, benefits, and tasty ways to drink it.【2025 update】

What is Matcha?A thorough explanation of its history, benefits, and tasty ways to drink it.【2025 update】 Matcha, a traditional Japanese green tea, has attracted worldwide attention in recent years.This article provides a detailed introduction to matcha, from its basic knowledge to its benefits and tasty drinking tips. Definition and Characteristics of Matcha Matcha is powdered […]