I would like to have a proper cup of matcha at home!

Hello everyone. I am sure there are some of you who would like to drink authentic matcha green tea, but not enough to attend a tea ceremony class…?

Today, we would like to show you how to enjoy a delicious cup of matcha even if you don’t have a tea whisk.

Necessary tools:

  • Matcha tea
  • Mug or bowl
  • Spoon or fork
  • Hot water (70-80 degrees Celsius)


It is easy to prepare matcha if the bowl is about 12 cm in diameter by 8 cm in height.

If the bowl is too small, it is difficult even for experienced tea masters to serve matcha, so a large rice bowl or rice bowl is recommended.

Chasen (free shipping)↓↓

created by Rinker
¥1,220 (2025/02/22 22:23:41時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)

Electric tea whisks are good for beginners because they do not require any technique.
Electric Chasen↓↓


  1. First, place 2 grams (about 1 teaspoon) of matcha in a tea cup or mug.
  2. Add a small amount of hot water (about 1-2 tablespoons) and quickly knead with a spoon. At this point, mix carefully so that as few grains as possible remain.
  3. Once a paste is formed, add the remaining hot water (about 50-60 ml).
  4. Now comes the important part. Using a spoon or fork, stir the mixture as follows
    • Turn quickly in a circular motion.
    • Move it in a figure 8 pattern
    • Move it quickly up and down
  5. After 1-2 minutes of continuous stirring, a few bubbles will form on the surface.


  • If the temperature of the water is over 80 degrees Celsius, bitterness tends to appear, so please let the water cool down a little before use.
  • The key to making foam is to make a firm paste at the initial kneading stage.
  • Stirring rhythmically and not too vigorously will help foam easily.

Although it is difficult to achieve the same beautiful froth as with a tea whisk, you can still enjoy delicious matcha in this way. As you get used to it, you will probably find your own tips and tricks.

We hope you will try it at home.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Matcha green tea (free shipping)↓↓

【山政小山園 高級宇治抹茶】抹茶 粉末 松風 30g 送料無料 Matcha 京都宇治の粉末のお抹茶です! 茶道 薄茶 Matcha 粉末 Japanese Green Tea 抹茶粉末 powder 国産 ギフト プレゼント ホワイトデー プチギフト お茶 2024 内祝い 男性 女性 母 贈り物 お土産

Invite a tea master to your home or conference room.↓↓
