GreenTeaTokyo Lecturers Profile| A team of experts in tea ceremony and traditional culture
Representative: Yuki Ishii
Representative Director of YSF Inc. and operator of GreenTeaTokyo.
She was initiated into Urasenke in 2011.
She holds an advanced Urasenke license certificate.
Started traveling tea ceremony service in 2023.
She has been performing tea ceremony at Sankei-tei (tea ceremony room in Sakura Joshi Park) in Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture on an irregular basis.
She also participates as a tea master in the Sakura Citizen’s Cultural Festival held every November in Chiba Prefecture.
The “tea ceremony” is a way of serving delicious powdered green tea to customers.
However, the actual image of “tea ceremony” tends to be a bit intimidating: you have to sit on the floor, you don’t have a kimono, and you don’t know the etiquette, so it is difficult to participate.
Therefore, we have started this service to make it easier for people to experience the tea ceremony.
I first encountered wagashi through the tea ceremony.I acquired the Tsumamizaiku Wagashi Meister, which is made using the Tsumamizaiku technique, and am now offering a wagashi-making experience.Wagashi, tea ceremony, and kimono are all part of traditional Japanese culture.We hope you will find them useful in enriching your life.
Iizumi Nana
Influenced by her mother, she was introduced to the tea ceremony from an early age, and began to study it in earnest in high school.
While learning the tea ceremony herself, she began to promote the culture and hospitality of the tea ceremony.